Cihat is very relaxed with his girls. We’re throwing a lot at Cihat this fall in hopes of getting some interesting spotted colors and patterns. Yes, that’s a gulmoget in the far background, and we’re hoping for a spotted gulmoget out of her.

Our white ewe lilly is playing hard to get. This is a good picture of Cihat’s extremely straight top line. Lilly still has ratty looking wool from her March Sheering. Many of our ewes do. The developed a rise right before sheering, which caused some erratic results. We’ve not had much luck with our shearing. If anyone knows of shearers that travels to WNY in the spring, let us know. I would sooner remove my own spleen before attempting shearing.
Cihat seems quite taken with Fantasia, a yuglet sokket katmoget ewe we brought in this summer. To his left is Southern Belle, a fawn yuglet sokket ewe and Peony, a mioget smirslet sokket ewe. I didn’t know she was modified until we got her home! She might very well be the nicest all around ewe we have out there!

Sheltering Pines Cihat is a ram that we’ve had for two breeding seasons now. Others may disagree, but he is probably the nicest all around Shetland ram that I have seen! His conformation is as good as it gets, he has spectacular horns and soft silky fleece with nice length. His legs are straight as an arrow! He’s also a yuglet flecket to boot! I hope to get some offspring with all of his qualities, plus katmoget and gulmoget patterns. He just has a great pedigree and displays all of the things we could want in a ram.

Another look at his group. To his immediate right is Seraphim, a yuglet sokket musket ewe. Next to her is another gulmoget ewe that we like a lot. We’re closing in on the 17th day of breeding, so everyone should have been bred. We’ll see.