I took a commission from a friend of a friend to make a pair of mittens from hair collected from their dog, a husky. At first it started out as a family joke, as the dog is notorious for shedding, but as they researched the idea, they got more and more excited about pursuing the mittens.
The hair was about 1” long, not long enough for my skill level to spin on its own, so I blended the hair with about 30% wool, but still the batts were just like big balls of fluff. I am still hacking up hairballs!

Spinning was a challenge, I am used to the long fibers of Shetland which spin up nice and consistent and smooth.
The hair tended to draft out of the batt in clumps, so the yarn ended up looking like a bulky novelty yarn. 

Not a bad thing, just not what I’m used to.
Knitting was awesome, since it was a commission, I had the excuse to knit all day on that stormy Friday.
Probably will end up being one of my favorite Christmas memories of 2008. Guilt free daytime knitting, catching up on Charlie Rose episodes, watching the snow storm through the window, wearing sweat pants, slugging down hot tea and cookies, catnapping every so often from the exhaustion of non stop knitting
…oooh, nirvana!
So here they are, and they were picked up last night.
I started spinning on Wednesday, and wove in the final strand on Sunday afternoon. I hope the giftee is happy with them.
The hair was about 1” long, not long enough for my skill level to spin on its own, so I blended the hair with about 30% wool, but still the batts were just like big balls of fluff. I am still hacking up hairballs!

Spinning was a challenge, I am used to the long fibers of Shetland which spin up nice and consistent and smooth.

Knitting was awesome, since it was a commission, I had the excuse to knit all day on that stormy Friday.

So here they are, and they were picked up last night.