I am sitting here posting stuff to etsy, checking out farm blogs, planning on what I am going to dye/spin/card/knit (choose one) today, daydreaming about lambing, dreading going out in the cold for chores, worrying about shearing day...when I realized - these sheep have taken over my life! I think there's a word for it, what would you call it?
Anyways, I've posted some more stuff to etsy:
This is one of a few batts I posted, I'm calling it "Purple Mountains Majesty", catching the wave of patriotism from the inauguration. Its Lily, I dyed batches of turquoise, scarlet and orchid and then blended them on my drum carder. I hate making painting roving. I am terrible at it, its a mess and I waste a ton of dye, so I am going to focus on blends instead.

The next two are raised, processed, spun and knit by me. A hat from Woody :
and mittens from our girl, Buttercup. Both moorit. Buttercup has white patches, so I work it in, love the random highlights. Not a lot of white when you look at the unspun wool, but it really stands out once its knit.