Sunday, October 21, 2018

Rhinebeck Weekend

Beautiful cool weather for those of you at Rhinebeck, happy the weather is nice for wearing your homemade wool finery!

We kept busy on the farm this weekend.  Finished putting the coats on the ewes, we are now 100% ready for hay once we get a hard frost.

I'm still working on Marianne, spinning the lighter portion and will probably make the balance into batts for spinners.

Washed up Eddard's fleece, will get some nice moorit and creamy white from his lamb fleece from 2 years ago.

The thrum mittens are taking awhile.  I have to say they are just as fiddly as I thought they would be.

I hope to get to start spinning Meera Reed's wool into a gradient yarn, need to get the locks sorted and organized by shade before I can start, which requires a clear table, which for some reason this weekend they are in short supply.

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