This beautiful little ewe lamb is out of Windswept Peony and Sheltering Pines Cihat. She's black with what looks like a more primitive fleece. She's only a few days old right now, so I'll reserve judgment on what she and her fleece will look like. I would expect her fleece to be relatively long, however, which is the way we like them.
Her mother, a fawn smirslet sokket, is one of our top three or four ewes right now, so we are excited about this lamb! Both parents have excellent conformations, which is an area that we are focusing heavily on.
It's possible that this lamb will end up shaela, but we'll have to wait and see. It can take quite a while for the modified colors to present themselves. I'm expecting her to be black, however. Her fleece does seem to have a lot of luster right now, I'll say that much.