Here are the pictures of Cor de Nuit’s black ram lambs.

It’s too early for me to tell whether they are polled, but I think the solid black one is. Both have soft fleeces, but the solid lamb’s fleece is so incredibly uniform from neck to tail.

He’s going to be very fine, in my estimation. I also think he’ll be polled, but I’ll need some time on that one.

These rams go back to some really interesting lines. Cor de Nuit is out of Justalit’l Lana, who is out of Bramble Dixen. Bond is out of Little Country Night Cap, who is out of Sheltering Pines Pompey Magnus. I like those lines, and I like these rams!
As I said, both lambs are out of Wintertime Bond, who really threw some nice lambs this spring! Bond’s yearling micron test was: AFD: 20.6/Sd: 3.9/CV: 19.1/SF: 19.7/CF: 98.5. His spinning fineness number is an entire micron lower than his average! He is very uniform from head-to-tail, and we’ve been able to get that in some of his lambs! Plus, he carries spots, which wasn’t something I counted on, but thought might be the case. He’s just turning out like I had hoped. Once I saw him after shearing, I knew he was something special. Great conformation!

Last year, V Creek Fantasia had twin yuglet socket katmoget ewe lambs within 10 minutes of each other, and this year, both had their water break within 10 minutes of each other. Jasmine lambed first (not sure if she was born first) and gave us this grey katmoget ram lamb. He carries spots and will either be a half-poll or a clean poll.

Dahlia then gave us this stunning half-poll yuglet socket kamtmoget ram! After I got over the initial disappointment of him being a ram, I soon realized that he was quite nice. His fleece is very uniform from neck-to-tail at this point! He’s quite striking! Bond is the father.

Not to be left out, Wintertime Itasca came through with these absolutely stunning grey katmoget ewe lambs!

These two look even finer than Cor de Nuit’s black ram! Both look very similar in fleece and color, and may carry both polled genes! Bond is a clean poll and Itasca carries it.

We love these two girls! They are 55% UK. I believe both carry spots as well. It would have been nice if they had been moorit-based, but let’s not be greedy. Both could carry moorit, as both parents do.

Violet also lambed yesterday! We had been watching her for 24 hours, and after dinner she decided to lamb out in the pasture. That’s pretty unusual, but it worked out fine. Both of these ewes could carry moorit as well (again, both parents do).
These are the final two Blue’s Clues lambs, and both are ewes, and both are spotted! I like them so far! They are both grey katmogets, and 42% UK. Violet is a strange color for a katmoget. She looks fawn, but is actually black-based. Both lambs took on that color scheme.

That’s where we are so far! We still have seven ewes left to lamb, and two will probably be late. I would expect the other five to lamb within the next week.