Friday, March 14, 2008

Anticipation - Jen

We bought a second lamb cam, so we can watch both sides of the barn on our tv in the living room. We used it last year and I highly recommend getting a lamb cam, for a lot of reasons. Obviously, it was a great way to keep an eye on lambing. We were present at all of our lambs' births last year. But the other benefit is we get to see stuff that goes on after we shut the barn door. No, they don't break out the card table as I always like to imagine when walking back to the house after the evening chores are done, but there is a great amount of socializing and you learn a lot about your ewes. Plus, after the lambs start arriving, you get to double the time you can spend watching them playing. The darker lambs look like Peter Pan's shadow bouncing around the barn. We spend hours watching what we call "The Barn Channel" during prime tv viewing time, its our favorite show. V. addictive.

Three weeks to go until our first due date for lambs. Three weeks seems like a long time to wait, and I am really getting restless.
The barn is clean, we scraped the floor down to the clay last week.
There is plenty of straw and hay in the loft.
We stocked our supplies cabinet, towels, gloves, iodine, cdt, colustrum replacer, lubricants, stuff I've never heard of but Rich wanted to get.
Rich and the boys are going to build lamb pens this weekend.
We've started graining for the final stretch.
The ewes are drinking twice as much water than usual.
Our calender is clear for the entire month of April, Rich is not taking business trips and I will be staying close to home until the very last little lamb arrives.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Yeah, once you read "The far side", it's kind of hard not to think that animals talk behind our backs and such!