Friday, May 14, 2010

May lambs

Under The Son Tiara lambed a few days ago and produced this nice fawn katmoget ram, who will be a half-poll. I like the legs on this guy. He has a nice wide base. Obviously, he carries mioget as well. I can’t say whether he carries spots. Bond is the father.

Cosmos also lambed the other day, giving us a really nice spotted moorit ram lamb. He will be a half poll as Bond is the father. We’ve been blessed with some really nice ram lambs this year, but how many do we really need? I’m struggling to find a place for all of them here on the farm. Each brings something a little different to the program, but we only have so many ewes to put with them.

Primrose on the other hand, came through with a spotted moorit ewe. No, that’s not a misprint, we actually had a ewe lamb after what seemed like 50 rams. I’m not even sure what the tally is right now. I think it’s like 14 rams to 12 ewes or something like that. That doesn’t seem like a bad ratio, unless you consider the fact that it’s now two years in a row where our best lambs have been rams. It’s all a matter of perspective, I suppose. I’m really not prepared to sell any more adults this year, and I would have to make some difficult choices if we had been faced with even one more ewe lamb that we thought belonged in our program. So, maybe it’s been a blessing in disguise. We’ll see if I still feel that way in the fall when I can’t make up my mind about which ones to use.

So, all of our ewes have lambed except Irish Lace. We expect her to lamb around the 20th, and then we'll call it a lambing season!

1 comment:

Jen and Rich Johnson said...

I'll do that. I like what I see so far.
