Primrose (her head is in my hands) gets jealous if I am petting someone else and neglecting her. She will butt the lamb I'm petting until I give her at least a one handed scratch.

Myrtle gives me kisses, and then burps fermented grass fumes into my face. Isn't that just the sweetest thing?

Hyacinth (the yuglet with the black eye) has been the most friendly of our lambs, she came over for her share of attention.
Myrtle decided to take a load off and hunkered down right next to me

FYI - we still have lambs for sale including a few of these very friendly girls - how can you resist???
I don't think I COULD resist if they were close enough to access! But shipping from NY to OR would probably triple or quadruple their price, and that I CAN resist!
I am a sap for friendly sheep, but I am going to hold out for a gulmoget or moiget next year, unless that moiget girl "under evaluation" turns out available later in the summer. I love Primrose too, but she is your new one right? Maybe I'll have to keep and eye on their lambs in the spring. I will also keep an eye on Clover and your new ram lamb crops on the gulmoget side of things. You don't want my poll carrying black ewe to come for a short "stay" at your house in the fall before coming back here do you? Probably not, but that is okay...I can wait and see what wonderful lambs you have next year. Job well done, great looking lambs!
We bought a ewe and ram from you one year.
Amy Westbeld
What pretty lambs! Don't you just love having friendly ewe lambs? I've got the friendliest bunch that I've ever had this year as well. Normally the ewe lambs are shy and it's the boys that want attention but my girls come right up for snuggles just like yours. ENJOY!!!
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