We’ve had a tremendous amount of success with our breeding
program over the past seven years or so. For the most part, it’s been a pretty
linear progression from where we started and where we are now. Each year’s
lambs seem to top the previous one's. We can point to all sorts of subjective
criteria to illustrate this point, or we can point to micron data which proves
it beyond a reasonable doubt.
This year, we have done a reset and reformulated our five
year plan. Why would we do that if we have had steady progress, one might ask?
The answer is simple. You have to regularly review your plans to make sure you
aren’t walking around with blinders on. Even though I routinely mention in
these pages that micron results aren’t our driving focus, they aren’t unimportant
either, which is to say that they have to be a portion of our overall
improvement program. We have never focused solely on fleece micron because
handle is the more important component in my opinion. Our best fleeces are not
always our finest. There are just too many other important attributes with
fleece alone, not to mention the conformation of the sheep.
To this end, after reviewing our progress against our goals,
we have decided to make some adjustments to our priorities and what we will be
targeting. The priorities are (and not necessarily in this order):
Fleece handle
Fleece length
Fleece micron
Sheep conformation
Overall size
I didn’t put color at the top because that would send a
message that we are after that at all costs. That couldn’t be further from the
truth. But what has happened over the years is that we have retained the sheep
that meet our goals the best. Those sheep have traditionally been fawn
katmogets. All of our rams at one point were fawn katmogets. We probably have
the best fawn katmoget rams in the country. They have virtually all of the
attributes we have been targeting, but that has led to us retaining…wait for
it…a lot of fawn katmoget ewes. As much as we like our current flock, we simply
can’t continue doing that. So, we are going to change that this breeding cycle.
We found that we achieved steady fleece improvement with
this approach, but I always said that we would modify it once we were able to
find black/brown/white unpatterned sheep that were as good as the fawn
katmogets that we had been using in our program. That has been a very difficult
task, but one we are going to take on in earnest this year.
We have also always been about proper sheep conformation.
The problem is that in going after the other goals, we have sometimes sold our
best built sheep because their fleeces were not as good as others’ in our
flock. All of these goals conflict to some degree in a flock like ours that has
to be limited in size. If you only are allowed to keep 30 or so ewes, you want
to keep the ones with the best fleeces as a rule.
My point is that all of these goals have to be considered
together in a checks and balances manner. I’ve also come to the conclusion that
you can’t weight them differently. The truth is that no one Shetland has all of
them to the degree we would like, which is why we weighted things the way we
did. If we didn’t do that, we would have to retain everything, which is not an
option. Going forward, however, we will be taking a harder look at which ones
we retain and why. The last thing we want to do is to take a step back in our
fine fleece program by chasing other things…like color, for example.
To make a long story short, we are going to take a slightly
different direction. That shift, although seemingly minor, did necessitate us
bringing in some new rams this year. As much as I would love to use all of the
ones we currently have, that’s just not possible. All of them are katmogets,
and only two are black-based kats. At some point, I would like to go back to
them, but not until we get some other things back in balance.
The rams that we brought in this year are superb. Sometimes, you have
to try new things if you want to take your program to new heights, and we are
excited about having them as a vital part of the next phase in our program. We thank Kelly Bartels for setting us up with
these fantastic sheep! Now I feel pressure to do something good with them.
The first ram is OK Acres Aries. He is a black smirslet
socket out of Ok Acres Danby and Whispering Pines Irish Mist.
Irish Mist is out
of Khan and Constantinople, who is out of Salicional. I like that we were able
to bring back a son of hers, particularly a black one. Although we never wanted
to sell her, we wouldn’t have gotten a black ram out of her had we not. We will
use him on some ewes this fall. In all likelihood, we’ll have a black group,
which is exciting by itself.
Aries has good length and a soft fleece with good crimp. I
don’t know what his micron is, but I’m not concerned about that. He has
everything else we are after going forward. Very nice ram!
The second ram we brought in is OK Acres Nitro. He is a
mioget smirslet sokket yearling out of OK Acres Sierra and OK Acres Einstein.
Einstein is a Salicional son. Salicional remains one of my favorite Shetland
ewes in the country even though I have never owned her. Nitro is only a
grandson, but that’s good enough for me. Sierra is out of Black Forrest lines,
specifically, Fudge, who produced so many fine fleece sheep over the years.

I did not go to Jefferson with the idea of bringing in a
moorit, but I fell in love with him right away and managed to convince myself
(and Jen) that this was an important move for us. As I said, sometimes you have
to challenge the status quo before you can really be open to change. Once I did
that, the cambers clicked into place and my new vision appeared (not
literally). The funny thing is that he’s a half-brother to Ok Acres Danby, who
is Aries’ father. I am always drawn to certain bloodlines it seems. I just
gravitate to certain bloodlines before I even know what they are. Certain ones
produce sheep that I like. I think it's fair to say I have a type.
I don’t know for sure that Nitro is mioget, but he looks
that way to me. I’ll probably have to wait to see how his next fleece comes in
to be sure. His fleece is very light underneath, but that is not his true color. I feel confident he is modified, however, which is another unstated
I also don’t know how fine he is in his second fleece, but
it is very silky and crimpy. My goal is to reproduce this fleece as many times
as I can. It has all the properties we are after and so rarely see in a
Shetland. As I started to sketch out potential breeding groups before I bought
him, it became clear that he was a missing piece that we needed for the coming
two year olds especially. We have a lot of Canterbury daughters that we want to
breed this year and next, and we lacked a ram to get the most out of them. We
believe Nitro will unlock some things that are in the genetic pool. It’s just a
good match for what we need in the next phase of our breeding program.
We also brought in two ewe lambs, also from OK Acres. I
don’t like to bring in new sheep, so when I do, it’s for a specific purpose,
and isn’t done so without much much thought.
Kelly and I have talked about white Shetlands for several
years now, and the talks probably increased this year. Last year, we brought in
White Pine Reawick, who is a white ewe, but she did not have a white lamb this
year. As a result, we were looking at maybe bringing in a white ram, but that
didn’t quite happen. Finding polled white rams that meet our needs is a
challenge. We ended up going with this lovely white ewe, OK Acres Elara. It’s
tough to find white Shetland ewes in the quality we are after, but this one
fits the bill. Absolutely striking ewe with a fantastic white fleece! She won’t
be in a breeding group this year, but she does fill the need for the white lamb
that Reawick didn’t give us this year.

The last ewe lamb that I added at the last minute was OK
Acres Sarin, who is out of Ok Acres Seneca, who is out of V creek Sarah and
Bug. Bond was also out of Sarah, and those are genetics that I like a great
deal. The main draw here is that she is black and has a fleece with good length
and fineness. She isn’t has fine as Elara, but she gives us plenty to work
with. I also like her conformation a great deal. Nice long body and pretty
Finding fine black Shetlands has been even more challenging than white
ones. This is another ewe for next year’s program, however. We have two lambs
of our own breeding to use next year, so this makes it three…to go with
Georgianna, who is a yearling. We are always looking ahead with our program and
it’s never too early to start planning.
We think these four new additions are important for our
future goals and we are excited about getting to work. Very excited! Breeding
season always arrives with much excitement here, but this one has awakened some
of my mad scientist sensors. Thanks again to Kelly for her help in making this
interesting for me again.