DOB 3/23/07
Black Katmoget ewe
Dam: S15816 Painted Knoll Picante Mia
Sire: S20838 Sheltering Pines Birch
Micron test date 6/08Ave 24.8, SD 5.9, CV 23.9, CF 82.8
Sell price: $300 (see our website for terms of sale)
Pike Hill Violet has been one of our favorite ewes since we brought her in last summer. She has a unique, and what I would call, very alert carriage, if that makes any sense. She has a “look at me” quality, with both her striking katmoget markings, and the way she carries herself in the pasture. She has an excellent conformation, straight legs, very nice fleece density, and gentle crimp. I wasn’t nuts about the way she was sheared this spring, but her fleece is soft and dense. She has pretty much anything a person would want in a shetland ewe. She may also carry spots and modified coloring. She had an extremely nice ram this year that we will be keeping, so we decided recently to make Violet available. Although, we hadn’t planned on selling her, given the direction we are heading, it probably makes more sense to sell her than to keep her another year or two. Although we’re not sure it’s the right move, we already have quite a few katmoget ewes, and her ram is extremely nice as well. She is a grey katmoget, but carries brown genetics as well.

What a beautiful head! Sounds like a wonderful ewe.
Wow with those numbers and fleece, she'd be one of my top ewes! You should rethink that move! :)
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