Sheltering Pines Christmas Holly is another ewe lamb that we brought in this year for a specific purpose. I didn’t initially care for her fleece, but it’s much different at the skin than at the tips. Her fall micron test confirmed my suspicion (AFD: 20.8, CV 20.3). Hopefully, that carries through to her yearling test but I never get excited about lamb micron reports. Too much can change between the fall and spring tests. This is why I use micron testing. Her fleece feels soft, but is it fine? We'll re-test her in a month or so.
So, what do I like about Holly? I like her bloodlines, for one. She’s out of Little Country Possum and Wintertime Thayu. So, she’s a granddaughter to both Wintertime Black Forrest and Sheltering Pines Pompey Magnus, two rams that I think highly of. She also has Greyling in there. I also like her structure. She’s a bit more refined than some of our ewes, but I still haven’t decided how I feel about that. I guess if I was showing, I wouldn’t want that, but I personally do like the look. I’m less concerned about that than I am fleece, and overall conformation.
Possum is a poll carrier, so Holly may or may not carry that. I think she’ll end up being a foundation ewe for years to come, but probably won’t show her real potential until next fall.
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