Sunday, November 11, 2018

Angora and Shetland Blend Yarn

This weekend I am doing something new.  I am blending the fur from Hazel with the wool from Pearl to make a blended hand processed and spun yarn.  Not sure if I'm doing it right, but very excited to see the result after plying, wash and dry.  I am on the second bobbin right now.  I am using 80% wool to 20% angora, will see how that works out.

Our Pearl

Hazel after clipping.  I was more focused on getting good clean clips without short pieces than a nice clean shear, which is why she appears so choppy

Pearl's raw fleece
Pearl's fleece after washing

Silky fur from Hazel
Pearl's flick carded locks

80% wool, 20% fur coming off the carder

Fluffy poofs ready to spin

Second bobbin begun, can't wait to see final result!

1 comment:

English sheep gal said...

Happy Experimenting - sounds like fun, I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out too!