Tuesday, March 11, 2025

May Event - Shepherd's Market Fiber Festival

I will have a booth at the Shepherd's Wool Market in Rush, New York in May.  This is the next festival on my schedule.  It is a nice one day event with local vendors of all sorts connected to fiber crafting.

My booth at Shepherd's Market 2024

I bring the entire range of Majacraft Spinning Wheels for people to try.  

All the Majacraft Wheels

They are set up around the booth - the Aura, Rose, Suzie, Luna and Little Gem.  Experienced spinners like to spin on them with all sorts of different fiber that I bring along.  Those who never spun before I give the opportunity to treadle while I draft so they can see how it feels.  

Giving a future spinner a try at a wheel

And many times people just ask me to show them how its done, and they enjoy just watching me spin.

 I also set up a table with all of the fiber preparation tools from Majacraft.  

All the Majacraft fiber preparation tools 

They all do their own special task, like blending, cleaning or aligning fibers to prepare for spinning or even felting.  It is really fun to demonstrate the drum carder - everyone really enjoys getting an overview of what it does.

Demonstrating the Majacraft Drum Carder in my booth

I love it when people bring along fiber that is giving them a little trouble.  Maybe a washed fleece that they are struggling to get clean.  Hoping at the Shepherd's Market I'll have people bringing fiber for us to find the best tool for the job.

Of course I bring wool from our sheep in many forms.  Handspun yarn, millspun yarn, fiber to spin, hand knit hats and mittens.  This will be the first time the combed top from 2024 will be making a public appearance.  I'll have to pack it in the nylon mesh bags I use for transporting the top to shows.

Handspun yarn and knit items in my booth

I have started setting up the booth a few days before the festival in the garage which helps alot to get me organized, and speed up the set up the day of.

Me and sister setting up practice booth in my garage

Looking forward to seeing everyone, hopefully if you are local to us you will be able to stop out and have a look around!  

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