Cihat has an amazing conformation! I’ve seen nice rams before, but I still feel he’s quite unique. I don’t see many flaws in him. I would like to see more color on him and less white, but that’s a pretty small criticism. We only got four lambs out of him this past spring, and all were very nice with excellent conformations! We sold all of them before we really knew what we had, but in hindsight, it was probably the right thing to do. Those sales funded some nice ewe purchases. My goal is to keep three or four of his lambs this year, but we’ll see. That means we need to sell some adults if we are going to get down to the 14 or 15 ewes that I’m targeting. I’d like to get at least one more breeding season out of him, but I have no plans on stopping there! He has everything I want in a ram, so why would I go in another direction?
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