Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Catchup - Jen

Rich had his tonsils out last Monday, he is pretty uncomfortable, but we are hopefully in the last stretch. He goes back to work next Monday.

I did a lot of wool production over the holidays, knitting and processing mainly. So I will be posting more stuff on the etsy shop.

The ewes are all healthy and woolly - is it the cold weather that makes them look woolier than prior years? The rams are ok. Black Walnut broke off a horn, which is sickening, cause they were gorgeous. But, he's fine.

Had a great 4h fiber class a few weeks ago, well attended and really good students! We made the cd drop spindle, learned to spin and I've heard back from a few that are sticking with it and are ready to start plying! Our next meeting will cover plying, making a lazy kate and a quick review of carding. If we have time, we may start needle felting. Dates for the classes are on my website.

Here is some batting I made from one of many gorgeous shetland fleeces I got from a friend down near the city while I was there during Rhinebeck. I don't know the name of the ewe, I call it "Joe's Fawn Ewe". It is otherworldly. I posted some of it on etsy, and held back some for myself. It is spinning up like butter!

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