Irish Lace is similar to Morning Glory in that they are both fawn gulmogets with longer fleeces. She is out of Whispering Pines Buttercup and Firth of Fifth Leyland. I should really have micron results in front of me when I make these posts, but her's is similar to Morning Glory's - decent for the quality of sheep she is. In other words, both of these ewes are very nice with lots of good qualities. They are the type of ewes you use to improve fleece, in my opinion. Of course, when I say "improve fleece" I mean "make fleece finer". I hate to group them together like this, because they are not identical by any standard of judgement, but they serve similar purposes in our breeding program. Irish Lace is currently my only Black Forrest moorit granddaughter. We also have a nice grandson, but I like this girl better overall.
Very pretty ewe, Rich!
Sharp lamb! Good job!
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