Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Violet - Rich

Tinkerbelle - Rich

Minawae Tinkerbelle (S24923,3/07), is a very nice grey yuglet flekket HST ewe. I’ve been looking for one for a while and she is just what I had hoped for. I wanted to breed her to Cihat this year, but I felt she was too small. We weighed her just before November and she came in at about 45 pounds. I went with my gut feel here and didn’t breed her. She didn’t look that heavy to me and I felt the extra year would do her good!
Myrtle - Rich

This old girl is Lofty Pines Molly (we call her Myrtle) (S11881, 3/01). Lofty Pines? Myrtle was a ewe from our original flock in 2001. Although she is only seven, she has always been the old woman of our flock. She definitely recognizes that she has seniority out there, and expects to be fed separately from the rest of the ewes. She has a nice, medium-colored grey fleece that spins up nicely. Myrtle also had the best conformation of our starter flock, which is why she’s still here. She didn’t have lambs her first two years with us, which made me think she was infertile. I even called her infertile Myrtle. I tried to sell her cheap back in 2004, because I thought she couldn’t have lambs. Then in the spring of 2004, lo and behold, out popped a nice black ram. Then in 2005, she had a nice ewe, then a nice ram again in 2006. Do you see a pattern here? All singles! But each lamb was very nice! More importantly, the rams all had very nice horns! So, we kept her and last year she had two very nice grey lambs! Her first twins! And, sure enough, the ram had exquisite horns! She is bred to Cihat this year because he has one of the nicest conformation you’ll ever see in a Shetland! Plus she carries spots (which I didn’t know until last year). She may not have spots this year, but the lambs should be quite nice. Myrtle is also a heavy milker, so her lambs sometimes go through a bout with yellow poop, but (knock on wood), we’ve always managed to make it go away quickly. Last year wasn’t so bad, but I think it’s because she finally had two lambs to share the milk. She produces enough milk for three lambs, to be honest.
Jasmine - Jen

Seraphim - Rich

Zabrina - Rich

HST - Jen

Rich refers to HST a lot when he describes our sheep. HST means the sheep has markings on its head, socks and tail. HST can be expressed in varying degrees, perhaps a ewe only has three socks and one solid leg, or just the very tip of the tail is a contrasting color. HST is nice to have because you get markings that make the animal stand out, but you also get a nice uniform color fleece for spinning. Kind of a best of both worlds. That said, spotted bodies also spin up nicely, with a pleasing variegated appearance. The best way to breed for HST lambs is to have HST parents. It is possible to routinely get HST lambs but you need to breed for it. HST is not a NASSA approved marking, but many shetland breeders use the term to describe the occurance.
The photo above is a nice lineup of a few of our ewes that exhibit HST markings. From the left are Fantasia, Peony, Buttercup, Rose and Southern Belle.
The photo above is a nice lineup of a few of our ewes that exhibit HST markings. From the left are Fantasia, Peony, Buttercup, Rose and Southern Belle.
Fantasia - Rich

Betulina - Rich

What a sweet face!
Chiffon - Rich

We've decided to do a series of blogs that feature our breeding stock for 2008. We bred 16 ewes to 3 rams this year. The first one I'm going to write about is Underhill Chiffon (S24888 born 3/07). She is an emsket gulmoget ewe. Underhill Chiffon is extremely pretty. She is registered as Shaela, but she looks emsket to me. She is much lighter than our Dahlia, our black gulmoget. Chiffon is bred to our mioget gulmoget (Clover S24963), so I think we have a good chance at getting a modified gulmoget from that breeding. There’s also a chance the lamb could be homozygous for the gulmoget pattern, which would also be cool! We won’t be getting spots from this cross, however. Rats!
Looks like she lost the snowball fight...
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Children's Christmas Service - jen
I work on our church's annual children's Christmas Service with the other Sunday school teachers every year. We try to teach them a new Christmas carol each year, they do readings, sing and at the end we do a nativity tableau.
This year Amy's class did a skit at the start of the program, about Isaiah. Will was very convincing as the prophet. I hear from Amy that during Sunday school Will gets loads of feminine attention and teasing, since he is the only boy in his class. They love him.

Stuff I made 3 - jen
Rich bought me a knitting pattern book for Christmas and it had a really easy 4 needle mitten pattern in it, so I went nuts, these are made from Buttercup, our Moorit ewe with white markings. Still need to clean up the loose yarn bits, but that requires sewing, so of course that task will be put off until absolutely necessary.
This is a pretty skein of yarn from white wool I dyed using Cushing dyes, purple it is I think. I have no idea what I will do with it, perhaps wait until I finish up the other colors I dyed and make some fun socks or else use it on my table top loom that I still have to figure out how to use...

I made this pillow for Shari for Christmas gift, we draw names at the Johnson's. Anyways, it was way bigger than I thought it was going to be. Note to self, must brush up on my measuring skills. Anyways, the wool came from Black Eyed Susan and Myrtle. The pattern is from "A Handmade Christmas" book.

I made this pillow for Shari for Christmas gift, we draw names at the Johnson's. Anyways, it was way bigger than I thought it was going to be. Note to self, must brush up on my measuring skills. Anyways, the wool came from Black Eyed Susan and Myrtle. The pattern is from "A Handmade Christmas" book.
Hallelujah! - Jen
Another project I worked on over the holidays was a Messiah Singalong. I've always wanted to attend one, but they are always so far away and I hate driving in winter, so I decided to put one on in Middleport. I got permission to use my church on a Saturday afternoon, we had David Bondreau from Lockport chorale direct it, I played my keyboard set to strings/harpsichord/trumpet for the recitatives and arias, and then I had prerecorded the choruses on the keyboard so I could sing along. We did the first section, and I think everyone had a lot of fun.
I had put something in the local papers, send a letter to all area churches and called all the musicians I know to spread the word. As a result, we had 30 singers show up and 20 or so spectators. And all sections were represented. I think next year we will do it earlier in the season so that more musicians can make it, a lot of people were involved in performances that weekend and weren't able to attend. Oh, and the best part was Mom and Katie were both singing at it too, so that was v. cool.

I had put something in the local papers, send a letter to all area churches and called all the musicians I know to spread the word. As a result, we had 30 singers show up and 20 or so spectators. And all sections were represented. I think next year we will do it earlier in the season so that more musicians can make it, a lot of people were involved in performances that weekend and weren't able to attend. Oh, and the best part was Mom and Katie were both singing at it too, so that was v. cool.

Drop Spindle Class - Jen
I am going through my photos from December, things got so hectic, I didn't have time to blog, so I am taking you back through a slight time warp. I should be caught up in about a week. A lot happened in December!
Anyways, I taught a drop spindle class at our Niagara County 4H center to a really diverse and enthusiastic group of fiber enthusiasts. Some had fiber animals, some liked to knit/crochet, some had experience with needle felting. It was interesting to go around the table and find out what drew them to the class. Anyways, I used the kit with the cd's and the dowel, gave them a quick lesson and some fiber and they were off! Everyone got the hang of it after a couple hours. The first hour was pretty quiet and tension was pretty thick as I went around the room and tried to help each person individually. After a while people started getting it and there was more laughing and shouts of "I think I've got it!!!". I have to schedule another class so we can all share our progress and learn plying...
Anyways, I taught a drop spindle class at our Niagara County 4H center to a really diverse and enthusiastic group of fiber enthusiasts. Some had fiber animals, some liked to knit/crochet, some had experience with needle felting. It was interesting to go around the table and find out what drew them to the class. Anyways, I used the kit with the cd's and the dowel, gave them a quick lesson and some fiber and they were off! Everyone got the hang of it after a couple hours. The first hour was pretty quiet and tension was pretty thick as I went around the room and tried to help each person individually. After a while people started getting it and there was more laughing and shouts of "I think I've got it!!!". I have to schedule another class so we can all share our progress and learn plying...

Halloween - Jen

I just found these pictures of Will from Halloween and had to post them. Will was a zombie guy that was killed with a sword to the back. He was all rotting skin, maggots and blood. We had a nice time walking through the village of Middleport, trick or treating. Rich got to wear his warewolf mask, I was a witch, Andrew wore a sign and will was the zombie. This was the first year Andrew went off with friends, but he ended up regretting it cause Will covered more ground with us and got a lot more candy. At the end of the night we went to the fire hall for cider and donuts and Will was in the costume contest. He didn't win this year, but he has one more year to go.
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