Sunday, March 29, 2009

We sheared - Jen

We sheared yesterday, 20 sheep. There were some small nicks, but nothing major. I would say most of the fleeces came off really well and are going to be fun to process. And our sheep look really good! Wool can hide a multitude of sins, but when it comes off, you really are confronted with your conformational flaws. And this is the first year when we are really happy with all our girls (and boys). We did our shots, worm and feet after the shearer left. We also obtained fiber samples for micron testing. We got a lot done, now I'm tired, but too bad! After church today I will get started with skirting.

My sister Katie took the pictures, helped bag and brought me a delectable piece of cranberry nut bread to help calm my nerves. A couple people from the fiber crafters group also came out to watch/help/get orders barked at was truly a blessing to have such competent helpers during this stressful time.

We started with Fantasia, I love her fleece and she has such a nice agreeable nature, figured she would be the best place to start.

Here is the before shot. They know something is going on. And they want to be fed. Look at violet right in the middle with the badger face. Her expression is just begging for a funny caption.

What Will would look like as a ghost. "Come into the light"

Rich's stressed out inner turmoil stance. Me barking orders to Will.

This is me sending mental messages to the shearer. "Don't cut her. Slow down. No second cuts."

We had two staged at all times so the shearer could just keep on clipping. Another reason to have really well halter broke animals.

This is Queen Anne's Lace, our only white ewe. I have a few fun dye projects planned for her lovely wool.

Man it was nice to have help. Cindy came to watch and was put to work...


Nancy K. said...

Oh, Jen! I SO know how you feel!!
I hate shearing day. I detest stressing my girls. Especially the pregnant ones! I stand over the shearer's shoulder and remind him just how precious each and every one of them is and the fact that she is carrying priceless lambs and exquisite fleece and MUST not be harmed in any way, shape or form. I "oooooo and ahhhhh" over every fleece and am quite emotional over each developing udder. I'm sure the shearer thinks I am nuts.

But, I've had the same guy for 5 years and he puts up with me. He know's there's a $10 bonus in it for him if no one gets cut and he just expects to have to take his time and let me clean up and give each sheep a cookie and a calming pat before moving onto the next one.

I'm putting it off as long as possible this year!

madder root said...

Just found your blog through your Etsy shop and I'm kicking myself for not finding it earlier. I just moved away from Buffalo and I can't believe I never got the chance to see your farm. Wish I could have seen the shearing.